Some job postings listed through the Legal Studies program office encourage five or more years of experience in the legal field as a requisite for applying for the job opening. Do not let this prevent you from applying for the job. If you have any experience to share, including experience as a legal secretary or even as an intern, be sure to list your experience on your resume and apply for the job: Use your education and practical experience with the Legal Studies Office as a focus on your resume.
If you would like to have your resume reviewed prior to submitting it for a job position, please contact the Office of Career Development.
Check Back for Updated Job Postings.
Widener University Delaware Law School makes no attempt to check the validity and accuracy of job listings. The job opportunities shown on this website are compiled based on a variety of resources. Given that situations change rapidly in the marketplace, we do not and cannot guarantee that openings listed through this site will still exist, as posted, at the time of inquiry.
Widener University Delaware Law School makes no representation or guarantee about positions listed and is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions or other aspects of employment. It is each individual’s responsibility to thoroughly research the integrity of each organization to which he or she is applying. As with any job posting/public forum, the applicant should take all care and caution and exercise due diligence when applying for or accepting any position.